Monday, September 15, 2008

Bouncy Castle

This is my favorite part of the outdoor service at church!

Uncle Lewis!

We went over to Uncle Lewis'. I was so excited to play at his park!

Time Out

Unfortunately, this is how I have been spending a lot of my time playing outside.
Mommy says I need to listen the first time. Doesn't she understand that is hard
for a three year old to do??

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Freezepops! August 7, 2008

Playing Outside--August 7, 2008

I like to get out the lawn chairs when we play outside.

I'm sitting on the back part of my chair and the seat part is behind my back.

More Sunflowers--August 2008

Wow! Look how tall it is!!!

I'm showing Mommy the bud. It ended up growing taller and the flower ended up being a dark brown/purple color. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Shiner part 2

This is the day after I got my black eye.

My First (And Hopefully Only) Shiner! August 2008

This picture shows a little of the swelling.

I was playing at my friend Noah's house and we were running around his kitchen...but you should see the counter I ran into! ;-)

Thomas ABCs

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thomas ABCs

I had fun reading Mommy my Thomas ABC book.

I was very comfortable! : )